A Suicide is a media-mix-o-flavors. A taste of everything. Sports-Center for the WorldWideWeb (without the sports). The Cliff’s Notes version of the Akashic Records. Enjoy this 100th, 148th, and 184th edition(s).
A Suicide is a media-mix-o-flavors. A taste of everything. Sports-Center for the WorldWideWeb (without the sports). The Cliff’s Notes version of the Akashic Records. Enjoy this 184th edition.
Sovereignty Sundays, with host Paranoid and I have an Audio Jam Session on what is The Next Step . . . .
The Left Hand Path . . . .
(Before you read the following, did you know we ‘vote’ on this day, and at this time of the year, because historically, this is the day when the ‘cattle’ are slaughtered before winter?) I Voted !!! Another (s)Election has come…