Category: Original Articles


Things are getting nutty. It’s almost like ‘they’ are trying to provoke us into an armed and violent revolution of some kind. Things have got to change. Protests are sweet, but let’s face it, COMPLETELY ineffective. The paradigm ‘they’ have…

Thought for the day . . .

This pertains to your own specific pay-period – weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc. : Imagine if ‘they’ took all of the sales tax out of your check? Imagine if ‘they’ took all of your property tax out of your check? Imagine…

Got Another Sec?

Good day all! If you stopped by for the new Suicide (#125 – Vernal Equinox) or the most recent Paragon Radio, or Radio Redux, scroll on down; they’re posted! If you have another moment, feel free to read this: One…

P.R.O.M Special Elections

(IW Press-Release) – Thursday March 11, 2010 The Peoples Republic of Manchuria (P.R.O.M) is calling a special election next Friday. Our Fearless Leader, Barry-Barack-the-Long-Legged-Mack-Daddy-Who’s-Sane-Obama-Soetoro, who had been the top dawg of P.R.O.M, had taken a sabbatical last January 20, 2009,…

Got a sec?

Hey all, If you came to check out this weeks edition to the list of Suicides, I thank you, scroll-on down, it’s posted (#120 – License to Ill)! If you have a spare minute, though, I want to throw a…