. . . . from http://keyofsolomon.net/ and http://thehiddenrecords.com/ . . . .
Overlay the two great seals on the US one dollar bill and its secret is revealed. The reason the pyramid illuminated and removed from the pyramid beckons its celestial secret…
is in the heavens…
put it with its counterpart…
the illuminated stars and the great celestial template of the sacred feminine of the goddess Nut of Egypt’s womb is revealed as a solar trinity…
the three sun like stars point downward to the pyramid monument As above so below…
it is with the pyramid monument and it reveals another secret of the connection the pyramid has inside the chamber…
it is the induction device for illumination…
an earth energy is present that links the LIVING initiate with God the Creation! All is gold!
There is more…
this template matches 26 other ancient star maps found around the world in the book The Hidden Records. It is the Solomon key secret…
the Kabbalah secret and reveals the sacred trinity solar star system in the heavens near the Pleiades where our ancestors claim we originated.
There is more…
the wing tips…
and tail feathers of the eagle touch the letters of a Latin inscription…
m… a… s… o… n …
the secret once known at the time of George Washington was forgotten or taken to his grave. The strange digit that looks like a backwards 4…
seek the symbol in Clavicular Salomonis…
there is still more…
Washington DC is this template…